Monday, October 3, 2011


I went to make a food post today and when i was almost all disappeared.

I took this as a sign that today, i needed to write something else, something that was on my mind, I just hadn't fully committed to posting it on the blog...until now.

I want to make a post about goals.

Because currently the waistband of my pants cuts off circulation when I sit down. And I refuse to buy bigger pants.

It isn’t about WHAT I am eating—that is pretty healthy for the most part.  It’s about HOW MUCH I am eating—it’s too much (for my slowing-metabolism-entering-my-30's body).  And I’m eating late in the evenings (8/8:30p) from late nights of work.

So that's my first goal--try to eat a little less. 

My second goal is about increasing my exercise.  Because although my extra jobs are helping me to accomplish $financial$ goals, they also restrict my time for working on my fitness goals. And that has gone by the way-side for some time now.

I had been on the prowl for a bike ever since I went for some practice rides on Megan’s bike for a relay triathlon that we were too late to sign up for (tragic). So, I did some research.

So, I did some research. I could have gotten a bike (cycling/hybrid) at a decent price from Walmart, but I didn’t feel “all about” that game plan. So, I turned to craigslist--- a few weeks later, I saw this beauty

and knew it needed to be mine. So I bought it.

I went for two bike rides this weekend (about 4 miles each, I think). I need to buy a bike computer so that I can keep an accurate account of my distances and times for future rides.  And I bike rack so I can strap this baby to the car and take it with me to various places.

I’m excited to have another way to exercise. I think my current relationship with exercise requires variety in order for me to get into a routine with it.  Trying to do the same thing worked for me in college, but now it gets me bored. I need to mix-it up in order to stick with it. So far, I plan to:

1) finish using up my yoga groupon,
2) continue walking bella in the evenings (our long route is one mile, when it happens),
3) ride my new bike,
 4) and incorporate some Jillian Michael dvd’s in the mix (because I see results FAST when I use those.)

I know I won't get to workout EVERY day, but I would like to aim to get in some physical fitness at least a few days a week. 

That's all I got for now. Happy Monday.