Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lessons from Sam's Club

I confess. I can handle most situations well (such as the recent totaling of my car...r.i.p.), but when it comes to cheese and chocolate, apparently I have no self-control. Especially when it comes to bulk items. Specifically bulk cheese.

With great shame, I present to you Exhibit A:
Notice how the bag is completely empty? Notice how it says "36 pieces" on the left? Well, guess what? That bag was empty after only one week in my fridge.  Poor little individual-cheeses-sold-in-a-bulk-value-package didn't stand a chance.

And no, weirdo's, I am not constipated.  My other purchases of bulk kiwis and bulk blueberries evened out the playing field.

I am not allowed to purchase bulk cheese that is packaged in individual (deceptively small, seemingly innocent; however sneaky and taunting) servings anymore. I am not mature enough to handle to delicious temptation. I forbid myself.


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